Graphics Technology is an elective 100 or 200-hour course that develops an understanding of the significance of graphical communication as a universal language and the techniques and technologies used to convey technical and non-technical ideas and information. Graphics Technology develops in students the ability to read, interpret and produce graphical presentations that communicate information using a variety of techniques and media.
The Stage 5 Graphics Technology Years 7-10 syllabus builds upon the knowledge, skills and experiences developed in mandatory technology education from kindergarten to Year 8 through the K-6 Science and Technology syllabus and the Technology (Mandatory) Years 7-8 syllabus. Students may focus further on this subject matter in Years 11-12 through subjects such as: Design and Technology, Technology and Applied Studies Life Skills, Industrial Technology, Engineering Studies and Textiles and Design.
The major emphasis of the Graphics Technology syllabus is on students actively planning, developing and producing quality graphical presentations. Students will learn to design, prepare and present graphical presentations using both manual and computer-based drafting technologies. The content of the core includes graphics principles and techniques, design, planning and construction, and presentation. After completing the core students will explore specific graphics related fields.
The BOS Years 7-10 Syllabus Course Descriptors document provides a more detailed course description, including School Certificate requirements.
Information and Software Technology is an elective 100 or 200-hour course that enables students to develop knowledge, understanding, confidence and creativity in analysing, designing, developing and evaluating information and software technology solutions.
Information and Software Technology Years 7-10 syllabus builds upon the knowledge, skills and experiences developed in mandatory technology education from kindergarten to Year 8 through the K–6 Science and Technology syllabus and the Technology (Mandatory) Years 7-8 syllabus. Students may focus further on this subject matter in Years 11-12 through subjects such as: Information Processes and Technology, Software Design and Development, Information Technology VET, Computing Applications CEC, Technology and Applied Studies Life Skills.
During the 200-hour course students will complete a minimum of four projects focusing on developing solutions to real world problems. The projects integrate practical aspects and core and option topics including Internet and web site development, artificial intelligence, multimedia, automated systems, digital media, database design, networking, software design, hardware, social and ethical issues and emerging technologies. The students will work collaboratively to analyse, design, test, document, implement and evaluate information and software technology-based solutions.
The BOS Years 7-10 Syllabus Course Descriptors document provides a more detailed course description, including School Certificate requirements.
Technology (Mandatory)
The Technology (Mandatory) Years 7-8 course enables students to develop a way of thinking and doing to create quality solutions to everyday problems, opportunities and needs. Students work through a design process to develop and realise ideas, manage resources and processes, and evaluate technology and design including social and environmental consequences.
In the Technology (Mandatory) Years 7-8 syllabus students undertake 4-8 design projects during the course. Design-related content is the basis of a student’s progression of learning through the course and must be addressed in each design project. To ensure a breadth of technological experience students use at least six different technologies by the end of the course to develop design projects.
The Technology (Mandatory) Years 7-8 syllabus and support materials are available on the Board of Studies NSW web site.