Toy Trains
Wood Working Hand tools
Chirpy Chickens
Pitsco Racers
The Technology (Mandatory) Years 7-8 course enables students to develop a way of thinking and doing to create quality solutions to everyday problems, opportunities and needs. Students work through a design process to develop and realise ideas, manage resources and processes, and evaluate technology and design including social and environmental consequences.
In the Technology (Mandatory) Years 7-8 syllabus students undertake 4-8 design projects during the course. Design-related content is the basis of a student’s progression of learning through the course and must be addressed in each design project. To ensure a breadth of technological experience students use at least six different technologies by the end of the course to develop design projects.
The Technology (Mandatory) Years 7-8 syllabus and support materials are available on the Board of Studies NSW web site.