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Technological and Applied Studies Teacher and Student Resources
Design & Technology
D&T Case Studies
Case study – Breville 800 Citrus Press
Case Study – Tree Change Dolls
Case Study – Elephant Hooks
D & T Syllabus Outcomes
Australian Innovation – The Hills Hoist
How to find a Design and Technology Major Project Idea for your HSC
Designing for Recycling
Design Based Occupations
Design and Technology Project Examples
Designer – Marc Newson
Ethics and Environmental Issues
Research Methods
Patents, Trade Marks and Copyright
MDP – Identification and Exploration of the need
Innovation and Emerging Technologies
Life Cycle Analysis
List of Some Australian Inventions and Innovations
Past Design and Technology MAAS Exhibited Projects
Possible Design and Technology Major Projects
Limitations of Design
What is Product Design
What is NFC and How Could You Use It In Your MDP
Ethics in Research
Speedo LZR racer swimsuit activity
What is the Veblen Effect?
What is the Hicks Law?
What is Obsolescence?
Year 11 Design and Technology Case study
Designers – ABC Series review
Innovation and Emerging Technology
Product Design
Marketing Strategies for Your MDP
List of Some Australian Inventions and Innovations
From Concept To Solution
Life Cycle Analysis
Reporting time and finance planning
Marketing Strategies for Your MDP
Sydney Opera House architect Jørn Utzon
Drawing Equipment
Logo Design
Product Design
Perspective Drawing
Year 11 & 12 Graphics
List of Early Australian Architects and Builders
Francis Greenway
Sydney Opera House architect Jørn Utzon
The Green Screen Effect
Database Design
The Domesday Book – The First Database?
The Internet and Website Development
A Brief History of the Internet
Safety Using Computers
Nikola Tesla
Influential People in the Development of Computer Technology
Year 11 & 12 Timber
Project Ideas For Your H.S.C Timber Major Project
Reporting time and finance planning
The Engineering of the Iconic Golden Gate Bridge
The Channel Tunnel – Engineering Challenges and Solutions
The Eiffel Tower. An Engineering Case Study
The Amazing Sydney Opera House: A Marvel of Engineering
The Engineering of the Iconic Golden Gate Bridge
From the Brooklyn Bridge to Mars 2020: Meet 6 Remarkable Female Engineers
Timber Course Content
Woodworking Planes
The Try Square
Tasmanian Timber Species
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